Green Pest Control / Nutrients

Nutrient Booster / Soil Inoculant

Nutrient Booster / Soil Inoculant


Amino-18 contains organic bio-stimulant and contains high concentration of soy extracts, which is completely available to plant. It contains amino acids as well as polypeptide. Besides, it is able to increase the efficacy of pesticide.

Nutrient Booster / Soil Inoculant


Oligo-Chitosan is a natural, safe, effective biopolymer produced from chitin, the major constituent of shrimp and crabs. These molecules were shown to display toxicity and inhibit fungal growth and development. They were reported to be active against viruses, bacteria and other pests.

Nutrient Booster / Soil Inoculant

Seaweed Extract K

Seaweed Extract contain organic bioactive compound bio-stimulant to regulate plant growth (PGR). PDRs like auxin and cytokinin or gibberellins in sufficient high concentration exert a physiological effect on plants. It’s ingredient original from Ascophyllum Nodosum Algae are rich with PGR and many more types of Trace elements. 

Nutrient Booster / Soil Inoculant

Completed Trace

Completed Trace contains various micronutrients and also humic acid. Every micronutrient has specific roles to play in the plants. Their presence in optimum concentration is a must for the plant to complete its life cycle that ends with maturity and harvesting of the economic produce. 

Micronutrients are essential plant mineral nutrients taken up and utilized by crops in very small quantities. Completed Trace is highly effective to boost plant growth and develop quality and quantity of yield.

Nutrient Booster / Soil Inoculant

Fulmino K

Fulmino K is a product with a high concentration of Potassium, Fulvic Acids and Amino Acids from Enzymatic Hydrolysis. The synergy between Potassium, fulvic acids and the amino acids enables an improvement in absorption, translocation and activity of Potassium inside the plant.  

Nutrient Booster / Soil Inoculant

Supra Calbo

Supra Calbo is a chelated mineral which is chelated. Supra Calbo was designed for soil and / or foliar applications. Completely bio-available and non-phytotoxic to plants when applied in accordance to directions. Designed to prevent and correct Calcium deficiencies and to boost crops during critical or fact growing periods. 

Supra Calbo can be applied to all crops including all vegetables, potatoes, carrots, onions, all berries and strawberries, all brassicas, all fruit trees, vineyards, kiwifruit, tropical fruits, lettuce, asparagus, all melons, beans, ginger, ornaments, cut flowers and pastures.